Five-Step Formula For Homeschool Success




Apart from all other concerns of parents who are considering homeschool, succeeding is probably at the top of the list.

It comes as no surprise for parents to acknowledge significantly and be in favor of homeschooling since it has been one of the increasingly popular modes of education for this generation. Parents who have concluded to create a schooling environment inside their homes have recognized the advantages of the alternative educational method. Aside from being personalized, homeschooling is in-depth and more flexible. “Understanding how to successfully use these strategies can be life-changing for anyone tackling challenging academic material,” says Jessica Koehler Ph.D.

However, there are specific issues concerning homeschooling that parents are overly aware of that might overcomplicate and hinder the essential aspects of learning. Therefore, apart from the technical elements of homeschooling, parents must consider this five-step formula to have a more meaningful and fruitful home-based learning system.


Step 1 – Be Realistic


Choose a curriculum and a schedule that would be suitable for you and your children. Parents must learn to take into consideration the different factors in life that might affect their homeschooling plans. When creating a schedule, make sure that it won’t interfere with your responsibilities as a parent and, if you’re working, as an employee.

On the other hand, when choosing a study method, make sure that the course would apply to your children’s capabilities and level of understanding. “Some parents augment their teaching with online learning; others work collaboratively with other parents and community groups to create educational, social, and extracurricular activities for their kids,” according to Dona Matthews Ph.D. Do not get upset when your three-year-old is unable to read while others already can. Remember the main reason why you decided to homeschool your children. More often than not, that reason falls under the special needs category.


Step 2 –Fix Your Schedule


Overscheduling and under-scheduling are one of the main reasons why homeschooling becomes a burden. With overscheduling, parents go beyond what they or their children can handle. Homeschool should make your children feel relaxed not stressed and pressured. Limit subjects taught and activities done for a day.

Under-scheduling is restraining your children to do more. Whatever the reason is for under-scheduling, particular consequences may arise in the future. One is not being able to enjoy activities that can contribute to your children’s growth and development, above all else. Kids require a variety of endeavors that will open up opportunities for them to interact with other homeschoolers. Therefore, outdoor activities like going to museums, support groups, historical sites, and the like, should always be incorporated.


Step 3 –Maintain Organization

Adhering to the plan and going with the schedule is one way of being organized. By creating a smooth flow of events, parents can make their children’s homeschooling experience a more enjoyable, educational, and worthwhile one. Before the school-at-home starts, make sure that you have set the room with specified learning agenda and the inclusion of outdoor activities. More so, always involve your children in organizing their homeschool supplies and environment.


Step 4 –Opt For Breaks

Do not tire yourself to the point of burnout. Always insert breaks in your schedule; breathers that will give you time to refresh and provide your kids their much-deserved resting period before the next subject begins. Aside from quick breaks in between learning sessions, you should also have that one day off where you just enjoy the day with the family without mention of homeschooling and whatnot. By doing so, you are strengthening your bond with your children while recharging yourself for the next homeschool schedule.




Step 5 –Be Open For Change

Accepting the reality that there will be terrible days will keep you open for change regarding schedule, subject, or method. Kids can quickly get distracted, especially those who require special needs. Therefore, do not rely on the curriculum entirely. Besides, it is there to serve as a guide that you can choose to follow in a non-restricting way. You always have to observe if your child is appropriately adapting to the teaching method and if there is a need to remodel or change the concept entirely.

Roadblocks are expected most especially if you’ve never done homeschooling before. There are no uncomplicated ways to handle and foresee everything. Also, you have to recognize that while something might work for one family, it may not work for you.

Success does not happen overnight. It requires complete faith and commitment to the task. More importantly, always listen and observe for cues coming from your children. After all, your kids will primarily determine if the current educational method is working or not.

“A child’s ability to overcome daily challenges are best met when parents, educators, and mental health providers are on the same page,” says Annabella Hagen, LCSW, RPT-S.